Our Results
Springfield Prep is Committed to the Success of Every Student
Together, our community works to create a learning culture where students identify themselves as learners – capable of, and interested in doing challenging intellectual work. We aim to create classrooms that encourage active engagement, promote a sense of safety for taking risks, and facilitate authentic learning through the exploration of complex problems.
2023 - 24 School Year Accomplishments
Highest performing school in Springfield in Math. For the 3rd year in a row, we were the highest performing school in Springfield on the Math MCAS (district, magnet or charter). Similarly, we were in the top 5 schools for performance in Springfield for ELA & Science.
Exceeding state averages for achievement and growth in all tested subjects. The percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations on the ELA, math, and science MCAS was higher than state averages by at least 7 points and average Student Growth Percentile (SGP) was strong in all subjects (60 in ELA and 59 in Math).
79th accountability percentile rating. This rating compares performance of schools with similar grade levels using a variety of key metrics (e.g., performance, growth, attendance, English Learner success).
Strong performance among historically underserved student groups. Springfield Prep students had the strongest performance in all subjects statewide among districts with a high percentage of low income students (>65% low income) and BIPOC students performed above the state average for all students in Math, ELA and Science.
2019 Massachusetts School of Recognition
In 2019, we were 1 of only 67 schools (out of 1,846 schools in Massachusetts), and 1 of only 3 charter schools to earn this designation. We were recognized in two categories—“high growth” for having among the highest student growth percentiles on English Language Arts and Math, and “exceeding targets” for exceeding ambitious targets set by the state in multiple areas related to achievement, growth, English learner progress, and attendance. Overall, Springfield Prep ranked in the 93rd percentile on the state’s scale measuring overall school performance.