About Springfield Prep

Our Mission

Our Vision

College is our north star. We are driven by the belief that all children are scholars and have a right to attend, and be successful in, college.

Nothing matters more than great teaching. Our teachers go through a rigorous selection process, get weekly coaching and support, and work tirelessly — and together — to hone their craft.

We believe in measuring student academic achievement in tangible ways, and that using data strategically helps us to provide the highest quality education for our scholars.

We keep the pace quick so we have the time to reach our ambitious goals and because it’s more fun and effective for scholars. We use an extended school day to close existing achievement & opportunity gaps and still provide important enrichment opportunities.

Our small school size and two-teacher model enables us to provide high-quality, individualized instruction in small groups. Our clear systems and routines provide an environment that is safe, supportive, and conducive to learning.

We love what we do and it shows! Teachers and scholars embrace challenge, work hard, and have fun doing it.

Our Innovative Model

At Springfield Prep, we implement a number of innovative strategies utilized by the highest performing urban schools in the country to close the achievement and opportunity gap and give our scholars a rich, well-rounded education.


We infuse our school culture with a college theme so that scholars see college as a realistic part of their future. Classrooms are named after colleges, students participate in an annual college visit every year, starting in kindergarten, and a teacher, family member or guest presents on their alma mater at our weekly Community Meeting.  


Our team-teaching model allows us to teach small groups with a low teacher-student ratio and ensures that we can meet the needs of diverse learners in the general education classroom. This also allows for constant professional collaboration, which is good for students and teachers.


We believe that great teaching changes lives, so we invest heavily in our teachers. This includes observation and coaching, professional development, and collaborative planning time for all teachers, every week.


Knowing our kids’ needs allows us to help them grow. We constantly analyze student academic work and data to ensure that our instruction is getting results and to determine how we can better meet the needs of individual students.


We teach our scholars about having a “growth mindset”, because this helps them see that their ability can be developed through dedication and hard work. We also teach “soft” skills like shaking hands and sitting up straight, which are critical for success in high school, college, and the professional world.


All scholars students take dance, music, art, and physical education classes, and have daily recess. Our curriculum and school experience are infused with performances, field trips, and guest speakers so students have opportunities to develop interests, hobbies and passions in and out of the classroom.

Our Students

We are a Springfield public school that serves primarily Springfield students. Our student demographic mirrors that of the Springfield Public Schools, our sending district.  The school is free, public, and open to all students who submit a simple one-page application. Students are selected by random lottery.

Ethnicity breakdown compared to the district and state.

Economic, language and special education breakdown compared to the district.

Family Satisfaction

Every year, Springfield Prep conducts a Family Satisfaction Survey to gather input from our families. The 2023 Family Satisfaction Survey, completed by 77% of families, shows that families feel a strong connection to the school and are very satisfied with the education their children are receiving.  

Feedback from families

Students stay with Springfield Prep

Families stay at Springfield Prep. Attrition (the rate of students who leave from one year to the next) is lower than the state average and the sending district rate.

Attrition rate compared to the district and state.